UNDO Sent Mail in GMAIL




gmail.-help-amit sekhar “Oops by mistake you  sent the mail ” Sometimes it happens,You replied in a hurry or you  replied someone else,,,

 NOT TO WORRY,Here is  the method to SAVE YOU.

This method is going to give you 30 seconds to stop sending the mail,so stop it before its too late .Its a setting inside the gmail , you just have to follow the steps to activate it .





 Step 1



Open your gmail account and click   on the yellow colored portion, and
— select the setting options from the list.







Step 2


Select the Labs option from the menu column .





 Steps 3.

gmaill. help
gmaill. help


Scroll down and search for the option “UNDO SEND” and just ENABLE it.







Steps 4.


You are at the last step, Its time to SAVE the settings. 



Steps 5.


Its time to take a breathe, you have 15 seconds to undo your sent mail, simply click on the undo button when you have sent the mail.

gmail.-help amit sekhar


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